martedì 25 novembre 2008

File attributes with C#

The class I've posted shows how to use the fiel attributes with c#.
To get file attributes (in .Net) you need more steps, with this class you have immediatly all you need.
I covered the 4 standard attribute but you can extend the class with other attributes. The file is .called FileAttributeEx.cs and this it the code.

using System.IO;

namespace FileAttributeEx
class FileAttributesEx
private string filepath = string.Empty;

public string FilePath
get { return filepath; }
set { filepath = value;}

public FileAttributesEx() { }
public FileAttributesEx(string path)
FilePath = path;

public bool isReadOnly ()
return (File.GetAttributes(FilePath) & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly;

public bool isHidden()
return (File.GetAttributes(FilePath) & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden;

public bool isArchive()
return (
File.GetAttributes(FilePath) & FileAttributes.Archive) == FileAttributes.Archive;

public bool isSystem()
return (File.GetAttributes(FilePath) & FileAttributes.System) == FileAttributes.System;

public void AddSystem()
File.SetAttributes(FilePath, File.GetAttributes(FilePath) | FileAttributes.System);

public void AddReadOnly()
File.SetAttributes(FilePath, File.GetAttributes(FilePath) | FileAttributes.ReadOnly);

public void AddHidden()
File.SetAttributes(FilePath, File.GetAttributes(FilePath) | FileAttributes.Hidden);

public void AddArchive()
File.SetAttributes(FilePath, File.GetAttributes(FilePath) | FileAttributes.Archive);

public void Clear()
File.SetAttributes(filepath, File.GetAttributes(filepath)
& ~(FileAttributes.Archive |
FileAttributes.ReadOnly| FileAttributes.System|FileAttributes.Hidden));

To use it in your project simply, add the file to your project, add a new instance of it and call the metods you need.
Here a sample:

FileAttributesEx fileAttr = new FileAttributesEx(sFileName);

if (fileAttr.isArchive())
//Do something
if (fileAttr.isHidden())
//Do something



Have fun.

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